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Elected member of the Royal Scottish society of painters in watercolour  RSW

Professional member of Society of Scottish artists  SSA

Professional member of Visual arts Scotland

Royal Scottish society of painters in watercolour 142nd open exhibition - Turcan Connell award

Royal Scottish society of painters in water colour 141st Open exhibition - Water mark award


Woodhorn museum annual open exhibition - Overall winner

Paisley arts institute annual open exhibition - James BS Curr memorial award

Royal Scottish society of painters in water colour annual open exhibition - The Scottish artist benevolent association award

Paisley arts institute annual open exhibition - Knox award

Visual arts Scotland/Society of Scottish artists joint annual open exhibition - Detail framing award

Royal Scottish society of painters in water colour annual open exhibition - Water mark award

Royal  Scottish society of painters in water colour annual open exhibition - Riverside gallery exhibition award

Visual arts Scotland annual open exhibition - Sally Schofield memorial award for photography and printmaking


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